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:: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 ::

I haven't blogged in such a long time that I didn't even know a new version of blogger had come up. Realised the other day all of my comments were gone as well. I haven't blogged since July and for various reasons it just got away from me. To be honest the rest of summer was just too good to spend time on the computer doing anything and since I started school it has just been extremely hectic every single day of the week; even sundays dread. This has honestly been the most work I have ever done in my life period. Been the most I've seen before as well. I have been up and down nearly every single day and I've tried to start each day anew but i'm just worn to fuck out. From the 2nd week of school I was already worn out from not sleeping much. I really wonder how I made it this far for real. I don't go out and party or relax like I would before, even though it wasn't much before, but it's practically non existent now. Good golly, good grief.
There would have to be a reason for me to blog now of all times though. A very good reason. I got tired of wanting to blog everyday; especially knowing that everyday there was practically something to blog about as well. But this week took the cake and I said I would have to blog cause I just needed to "talk" and there was some shit in this apartment that freaked me to fuck out.
Every time I would go into the kitchen I would smell something like bad bananas or something. I wasn't sure what it was but it steadily grew worse as the night went on. Each time I entered the kitchen and passed the garbage can I smelt this thing and it had me kinda disturbed cause I never smelt anything in the apartment like this before. So I eventually looked into the garbage and low and behold I saw something I thought I'd never see in this apartment. There lying in the garbage can was a: /me puts on hugh's voice and sings, " Sanitary Napkkiiiinnnnn." It wasn't wrapped up, it was used and it seems it was used a while ago as well too. I nearly passed out cause of the look of the thing. This was so shocking cause for an apartment that only has men living in it, you tend not to see anything belonging to a female in here. Only thing I could think of was that Gustavo's, the new roommate, girlfriend put it in there. But I said she'd be pretty stupid knowing other men live in here and women are usually very discrete about these things. So I chalked it up to Drew or 1 of his female friends for some reason. Don't know why but yes i know discrimination and profiling is a bitch.lol. So what.So now I didn't know what to do cause the stench was getting to me, the sight of it had been etched into my head and the garbage wasn't even full. It was just knawing at my conscience all the time. So I had to take out the garbage half empty. I haven't even found out who it belonged to or who put it there but honestly I don't even want to know. I'm just amazed that for all the 24 years(yes I know I'm old..stupse) I've been living I've never seen anything like that because of the discretion that women have. Anyways, I now see why Rentokil has those disposals; that scent aint nothing easy or anything that familiar like any other smell. I tell yuh.Wish wunna could see my face right now.

It's the end of November and it's 2.02am here on a wendesday morning. I'm sleepy as shit, but I have work to do so I'm taking a little break to liven my senses up once more. There's so much that has gone on in the past few months to blog about but it makes no sense trying to catch up with lost tales. Could as well only talk about current events; and right now there are none besides me being extremely tired and fustrated by this semester. If I make it through this semester without going off I can truly say that I don't think there is anything really in this world that could rock my senses to the point of insanity. For sure. Anyways, mozzyman from rema out. Gotta go start this work again. Sigh :(

:: Bigjoe @ 10:45 PM :: | ::

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