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Bruce Banner vs. Hulk....yup that's me
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:: Sunday, June 11, 2006 ::

I left NY at the end of the semester to come home to fully relax and enjoy myself to the upmost fullest. It's strange,however, that as soon as I got home scenarios beyond my control would immediately change that outlook I had up to the point of touching the bajan soil with my feet. So I'm back to work now and that's keeping me busy during the day, training on evenings so i'm busy on evenings; but I'm not busy at nights so my mind wanders all over the place. I however am trying to take it easy so nothing will be spoiling my summer plans.
I went to my first lime/party on saturday down by the heineken beach party and oh my word, did I want to bash out. I haven't partied in so long that I just had this dirty, nasty, bashy urge that was pushing me. But alas, every1 seemed to be liming more than out right partying so I kept it on the down low boh, b4 I had eyes on me or something. I can't take eyes on me boh, I might only spaz out on somebody now.lol. It was cool otherwise though, got to see alot of folks I hadn't seen in a pretty long time and just hung out with a couple peeps. Afterwards the men hung out and boy oh boy was that a ball. We didn't even want to go home in the wee hours of sunday morning cause it was just shite talk from beginning to end. I don't think I'd ever trade those men for anything else in the world. That's how real friends should be. The most important part of all this weekend was that it was all free. For a broke man like me that was a god send.lol. I hey barely hey trying to survive before I start back making some money. Good thing no old, desparate, white women around or I would be doing the dirty. I'm kidding by the way, shoot.

I can see this summer will be filled with ups and downs but one thing's for sure, no one can say that a roller coaster ride isn't interesting. So I won't be complaining since trouble will be finding me..hhmmmm.

:: Bigjoe @ 8:58 PM :: | ::

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