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:: Saturday, June 10, 2006 ::

I was just about to say how nicely the Ivororians were playing against the Italians and now they're 2 goals down. Well well well. Men just would not capitalise on the damn chances they get dread. Lookuh how i going to curse these black ass african men. Anyways I have to big up Trinidad on their first game and for drawing it. Despite they were 1 man down in the 2nd half and had to defend 99.99% of the time,lol, they had the closest thing to a goal believe it or not; and i big them up for that. Oh how i wished my so and so country would do good at something. Oh how i wished. Men here at home don't do shit, don't have no national pride, nothing. Only a very vew patrons who really love their sport, whether it be dominoes to draughts, go all out to represent this small island. What the rest of us good for? From what I hear and see on a day it seems only killing, breeding,fooping the young girls, selling and smoking drugs everyday is the only thing on ppls' minds now. It annoying the shit out of me cause when I hear other ppl talking about their countries achievements the only thing I could talk bout is the damn economy.Shoot. I mention Suki King and men ask if somebody does really take draughts in the world that serious. I had nearly feel shame. sigh. Thank God for 1 man like Barry Forde for up holding some kind of pride. Sad thing is he's the only 1 who's reached so far in excellence in a really long time. I just wished the youth of today could channel themselves more positively to some sport to make it out of here and make this nation proud instead of killing the island surely but surely in pure wutlessness and immortality.

I can hear the masses saying "Preach it brotha hoyte! Preach ooooonnnn!!!" LOL. But seriously I just tired of everyone being able to show something of their country and all I could find are bits and specks of people instead of more people who I KNNOOWW have so much talent. Doctors and lawyers aren't the only people that worth anything bout here and it seems that's all that's being pushed into peoples' heads. Well mozzyman going to pray for this poor country and I will try my hardest throughout my entire life to represent and if possible, guide somebody if not myself to fully make my country proud.

150% mudda fucking bajan.....bitch!
sorry for cursing old girl(mum), know how it is sometimes.lol

:: Bigjoe @ 12:40 PM :: | ::
:: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 ::
I haven't been able to blog in a while since i've been quite busy and catching up with ppls since i got home for vacation. So i kept saying i'd do it since i said i should have things to blog about anyways; so here i am. Hope nobody cursing me.lol

So exams are over and i'm back in the land of the hot sun, nice beaches, ghetto young tings and seemingly more and more ugly men and women. I don't know if trying to put on a screw face has taken affect on the offsprings of recent generations but i tell yuh, every where i look i seeing ugly men and ugly young women. I know i'm not a hunk either but cawlen they make me feel like i got something cause the things i see on a day..um um um. But the funny thing is i'm sure most of these younger folk have the ugly personality to back up the appearance cause the bad man/woman look is the in thing now. Guess i'll have to fold my mouth extra hard and see what i could do too.lol When yuh cunt. Wheeenn!

Anyways i went to rally over the weekend and it was the most disappointing rally i've ever been to. Rallying had grown so much since 1998 that it was strange to see it die down this year. Every1 seems to be going back to circuit racing. I guess rallying is becoming too expensive and strict with the rules. I don't know boh. I none the less had a good time on saturday since it was jokes all around with the men being there. I don't really do the drinking thing like how bajan men for some unknown reason love to kill themselves with alcohol during the day in the hot fucking sun. Talk about getting hurt extremely quick. I prefer to just have my group around and enjoy ourselves with our bad behaviour towards each other. Nothing like holding and giving ppl heat all day long.lol Had ALOT of new comers to the posse this year. Men had 10 jeeps in total travelling together on sunday this year and imagine when i first started going rallying it was 2 jeeps and my car back in 1998. I would have preferred if 1 of those jeeps had stuck in the mud or drop in a hole or something but there was no such luck.(shame on me for even thinking such!)So all of saturday instead of really focusing on the cars we pretty much focused on just pure shite talk. I love my "extended family" to death. Don't know how i would survive without them boy. I'm sure somebody can attest to how crazy we are.lol Sunday was boring on the other hand since we all got to Malvern extremely early to get a nice spot and the cars took over 2 hours(that's right!!!!) to come through the stage. Thing is nobody even made up for the long delay by kissing the wall. SHIT!! Can't remember the last time i didn't see somebody hit into that lovely wall. Men drive like lil bitches this year. So after the long wait in the hot sun, standing in a very warm field of dirt we became rather quiet and depressed looking. Only thing that made it better was the off roading the men did for the day. Was just a bit too dry so we were static to dust in those jeeps. I wouldn't be surprised even after a couple i'd be farting dust cause the amount of that shit i inhaled and had all over my body and hair aint even funny. When i bathed i swear i had been helping some1 construct a house with the colour the water was. LOL. Yea i said it, and i really don't care; at least i bathe dammit.lol. Shooooott! Last but not least there were these young fellas next to our jeeps at vaclause race track the sunday who were pissing drunk. I mean so drunk that i see men vomitting pure liquid in 5 minutes gushes and falling on their faces and thing. I really don't know what these lil fellas does be telling themselves but they provide hours of laughter when i see the stupid things they do.I had to take some pics of the men looking all hurt and stuff but i don't want to show their faces on the net boh, b4 they hunt me down and come and put some hand in me. But no fear i will still please the masses and show how suicidal a man looks after vomiting all of his guts out and can't handle it. I didn't want to say anything but i have to do it. There was a shotta in the men's arena this weekend too that i can't go without shouting out. Talk bout being popular and pulling in flam. Good gracious me, and i don't mean anthony either, cause i know some ppl would play dumb and want to deny their shotta athletism.LOL

Now tell me, doesn't he look suicidal? Lil man look like he there saying, " Why I went drinking for nuh? All now I feel like jumping off my damn roof. Why my mummy don't hug me anymore? Why don't I feel loved nuh?" And that questions go on and on.LOL. Men and boys alike gotta learn how to control themselves with these drinks man, instead of puking 7 days and 7 nights worth of liquid from their system.hahaha..

All the talk it is time you come home andrea. I see all the girls in st george chilling as usual and i say if tall ting was there it woulda be pure kix cause your head really aint no good. Just had to let you know your retardedness is missed by all :P.lol

Started work this week and don't mind i want money bad i don't really feel like working for once in my life. I must be getting old then. shoite.It has begun. I went out in the field today and near dead. I ook so damn black it isn't even funny. Talk about being burnt. I look like the burn ends of the toast bread when the ends actually touch the heating coils in the toaster. Cawlen that aint nothing easy. LOL. I don't believe i laughing at myself too. Now i'll have to either stay in my house or get some sun block since my mother used all of the one i had here. hhmm..that's all i have to say about that since i'll leave that sun block thing alone.lol. But i feel like a burn bake for real though; it's not pleasant at all and this is only the first week of work. I'm really not looking forward to the other months of me being in the sun then. A man with a red body and a purple/black face. Good gosh what a thriller; definitely not a thrill. Anyways i here extremely sleepy from tuesday's gym work out and todays christening on blackness and running. Hopefully nexy time i blog again i don't be the same colour as the pc monitor when it off. :S :O If that happen you going to hear about a man from st philip jumping off of his roof in the wee hours of the morning, for real. LOL.

:: Bigjoe @ 7:31 PM :: | ::

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